CrossFit uses safe, effective and efficient movements similar to those you use every day in life.
CrossFit is suitable for people who are just starting out or who have been training for years.
You don’t need to ‘get fit’ before you start CrossFit. A can-do attitude and the desire to improve is all you need to get started.
We encourage people from all walks of life to experience CrossFit. Whether you’re a fitness novice or an elite athlete, you’ll feel comfortable working out at CrossFit Blackwater.
No. You will be on a monthly rolling membership. If you want to stop, simply cancel five days before the end of the month.
If you’re new to CrossFit, twice a week is a good starting point. As your body gets used to the training we recommend increasing your sessions to 3-4 times week. At this level you’ll see long-term results all under the careful supervision of our expert coaches who’ll be on top of your technique and form!
WOD stands for workout of the day. It’s a planned workout that we incorporate into each training session, which changes daily.
If you have or have had any injuries or medical conditions, please tell us. We don’t want to turn you away — we tailor our programming to you. We are more than happy to talk with your doctor or physiotherapist. Our goal is to help you become the best version of you.